Megarom Macintosh CD Software (Quantum Leap)(1992).iso
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easy processing. The most fundamental is the space character. A
name is always considered to be one word, and words cannot have
spaces. A command or list of names is several words delimited by
spaces. MOS handles spaces in file names that it reads by
interpreting them as the required space (ascii $CA). When you
want to specify a file whose name contains a space, you can use
the keyboard required space (option-space bar) or often you can
substitute a "?" wild card.
You can use the "?" to match any single letter where wild cards
are allowed, or "*" to match a bunch of letters at the start or
end of a name. Upper case and lower case letters are not
Special file name characters
? match 1 letter in file name
* match many letters in file name
: drive and path name separator
\ path name separator
.. (two periods), parent directory specifier
/ command line option character (some commands)
Control Keys
Two standard control keys are active during all operations.
^C = user break
^S = stop list
The Stop List key (control-S) causes all display listing to pause
until you press control-S again.
The User Break key (control-C, also the "enter" key on many
Macintosh keyboards) will halt the current operation and return
you to the main MOS prompt. If typed at the main MOS prompt, MOS
halts (equivalent to EXIT).
Mouse Clicks
click on word = type it
click on © = carriage return
ArcMac supports mouse operations in two ways. First, there is an
Arc Dialog under the "Mouse" menu. This dialog contains
essentially all of the archiving operations in a mouse clickable
format of buttons and standard file dialogs.
The other support for mouse clicks is to make any displayed words
clickable as though they were typed from the keyboard. You can
select file names for operations in this manner by displaying a
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directory then clicking on listed names. The special circle c
symbol (copyright symbol) displayed at the MOS prompt is a
carriage return when clicked on.
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Archiver Commands
ARC command[modifiers] archive [filename ...]
Commands Modifiers
L = List archived files B = retain Backup of archive
V = Verbose list of files I = strip IBM text controls (extract)
A = Add files to archive S = Store only (no compression, add)
F = Freshen archive Q = Quick crunch (no analysis, add)
U = Update archive H = Huffman squeeze (no analysis,add)
E,X = EXtract archive files G<password>
P = Print archived files = Garble/unGarble archived files
D = Delete archived files W = no Warning messages
M = Move files to archive N = no Notes & comments
T = Test archive integrity
C = Convert entry to new packing
This is the archiver command line, consisting of two or more
(1) the command character plus any modifiers as one word. If the
garble modifier is used, it must be the last option and followed
immediately by the password, with no spaces.
(2) the name of the archive to operate on.
(3+) a list of file names to operate with. The file names can
contain wild cards ("*" and "?") and path specifications.
A, Add files to an archive
Create a new archive, or add files to an existing archive, with
the A command. Follow the command with any desired options.
Next, name the archive to work on, and follow this with a list of
files to add. If no file list is given, all files in the current
directory will be added to the archive.
Some examples of the use of Add would look like:
arc a myarc *
-- add all files in current directory to archive
arc a h:jake:docs h:words:*.text h:progs:*.docs
-- add files ending with ".text" in directory "h:words:"
and files ending with ".docs" in directory "h:progs:" to archive
"docs.arc" in directory "h:jake:"
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Modifiers for the Add commands
B, retain backup copy of original archive.
S, store only (no compression).
Q, quick crunch only (no analysis). This is useful if your files
are all text (which almost always end up crunching), since
it is faster than full analysis.
H, huffman squeeze only (no analysis). Picture files usually
are optimally compressed with the Huffman squeeze method.
This option will save time if want to use squeezing only on
your files.
You can use the Q+H modifiers together to produce archive entries
that are compatible with the SEA ARC standard. Using Q+H with
any of the adding commands, or with Convert, will prevent
the Squashing method of PKArc, which SEA's ARC cannot handle.
Gpassword, use a password to encrypt the added files. The
G modifier must be the last in the command word, and it's
password must immediately follow, with no space. The
password can be any word of your choosing. Upper and lower
case letters are not distinguished.
W, suppress warning messages to the console.
N, suppress note and comment messages to the console.
For example,
arc abs bob jake:*
-- adds to archive bob.arc, retaining old version of
archive as bob.bak, and stores files from jake without
arc agMyPassword bob jake:*
-- adds to the archive using the garble (encryption)
password "MyPassword". All passwords are converted to uppercase,
so you can type in upper and/or lowercase passwords for the same
When extracting this archive, you will need to supply the same
password, as in
arc xgMyPassword bob
U, Updating archives
This command also will add files to an archive, but it will only
add files that are newer than the current contents of the
archive, or that do not exist in the archive. The same modifiers
for Add are active with Update. Use this command to maintain the
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most recent contents of folders in an archive. For example,
arc u data data:*
-- this command will replace old versions of files in the
"data.arc" archive with newer versions in the folder "data:",
adding any files that don't exist in the archive.
F, Freshening archives
This is a third variant of adding files, similar to Update,
except that no new files are added. Freshen only adds newer
versions of files that exist in an archive, and ignores files
from the folder that are not already in the archive.
arc f data h:tests:* h:ralphs:data:*
-- this command updates the current contents of
"data.arc" from the folders "ralphs:data:" and "tests:".
M, Move files to archive
This final version of adding files acts like the Add command but
also erases the file after adding it to the archive. Erased
files are immediately removed from the disk after archiving, they
are not placed in the Trash folder.
arc m data data:*
-- adds all files in the folder "data:" to the archive
"data.arc", and erases each file as it is added.
L, List archived files
This command lists the name, type, date, and original size of
each file in an archive. If no file list is given, all files are
listed. Otherwise only those matching the file list are listed.
The file type is the Macintosh system file type, or if the
archive was produced by IBM/MS-DOS archivers, the type is listed
as "ibm".
arc l bob *.text
-- list all files in archive "bob.arc" that end with
".text", produces this output
Name Kind Length Date
------------ ---- ------- ---------
rf1.text TEXT 33796 1 Dec 87
rf1stat.text TEXT 29408 30 Nov 87
uplot3f.text TEXT 25989 1 Dec 87
------------ -------
Total 3 89193
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V, Verbosely list files in an archive
This command lists all information on the archived files. As
well as the information of the List command, it displays the
method of archiving, the archived size, percent of packing
reduction, the file time, and the storage CRC value.
arc v doc *.text
-- produces this verbose listing
Name Kind Length Stowage ArcSize % Date Time CRC
------------ ---- ------- -------- ------- ---- --------- ------ ----
rf1.text TEXT 33796 Crunched 16473 52 1 Dec 87 3:23a 823F
rf1stat.text TEXT 29408 Crunched 15001 49 30 Nov 87 3:33p 49E0
uplot3f.text TEXT 25989 Crunched 13320 49 1 Dec 87 3:40a E272
------------ ------ ------- ----
Total 3 89193 44794 50%
The methods of stowage that ArcMac supports are
Stored stored without packing
Packed packed with non-repeat encoding
Squeezed packed with Huffman encoding
crunched packed with old-style Lempel-Ziv compression
Crunched packed with dynamic Lempel-Ziv compression
Squashed packed with Phil Katz style dynamic Lempel-Ziv
*** Note: ArcMac version 1.1 introduces full archive/dearchive
support for the popular Squash method as produced by the PKARC
program of Phil Katz.
The percent reduction is the percentage by which each file is
reduced in size by packing. The date and time are for the last
file modification, and the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) value is
a check value for testing file integrity. If two files have the
same CRC value, they will, with high probability, contain the
same data, regardless of their dates or name.
D, Delete files from archive
The delete command removes files from an archive. For example
arc d dogs cat*.*
-- removes all files starting with "cat" from the archive
E,X Extract files from an archive
Files are unpacked and extracted from an archive using the E or X
command. You can specify a file list, and include the names of
target folders for the extracted files:
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arc x dogs cat*.*
-- extract all files whose names begin with "cat" from
the archive "dogs.arc".
arc x dogs h:animals:cats:cat*.*
-- extract all "cat" files to the folder "animals:cats:".
Modifiers to the extraction command include the unGarble option
to extract from an encrypted archive, as per
arc xgMyPassword bob
-- extract all files from the archive "bob.arc" using
password "MyPassword".
The I, strip IBM controls option is active for extraction. Use
this option if the files you are extracting are text files from
an archive created on an IBM or MS-DOS machine. All control
characters other than the carriage return (ASCII 13) will be
removed from all extracted files. The List or VerboseList
command will show file types as "ibm" if they come from an MS-DOS
archive. However, ArcMac cannot distinguish MS-DOS text from
other MS-DOS file types. You can specify a list of files that
you believe are text when extracting, as per
arc xi ibmdata *.txt
-- this will extract and strip controls from all files
ending with ".txt" in the archive "ibmdata.arc".
P, Print archived files
The print command writes the contents of archived files to the
standard output device. This is like extraction, but no file is
created (unless output is redirected to a file). The default
output device is your display screen, so that you see the
contents. Alternately, use the output redirection command to
send a Printed file to your printer or terminal or disk file.
Examples are
arc p myarc *.*
-- display contents of all files in "myarc"
arc pi ibmdata *.txt > oneFileOfTxt
-- print contents of all files ending in ".txt" from the
archive "ibmdata.arc", while stripping ibm controls, and send it
all to the disk file "oneFileOfTxt".
arc p dogs cat*.* > prn
-- write the contents of all "cat..." files to the
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T, Test archive integrity
This command checks the validity of archive contents, and reports
any files whose contents fail to match their CRC check value.
Use this if archives are transmitted over noisy phone lines and
you think the transfer may have been faulty.
C, Convert archive to new packing
This command converts archives produced with older versions of
IBM/MS-DOS archivers to newer packing methods, and will add the
additional ArcMac information lacking in IBM archives. Also this
will convert archives produced by ArcMac version 1.0 to tighter
packing schemes employed by version 1.1.
Mouse Arc Dialog
ArcMac contains a useful Macintosh dialog, "Arc Dialog" found
under the "Mouse" menu entry. This dialog lets you set up the
archiving command line by clicking buttons. One of the arc
commands can be selected from the list of radio buttons. The
major command modifiers have check boxes to enable them. You can
type the name of an archive to operate on, or use the <<Standard
Arc Dialog>> button to pull up the standard Macintosh file
selector for ArcMac archives. You can use the <<Standard File
Dialog>> button to repeatedly select files to add to an archive,
or type the pathnames in the edit box. Hitting the Return key or
the <Okay> button will process the command sequence that you have
selected; the <Cancel> button will cancel things.
Memory Requirements
ArcMac uses up to 250 kilobytes of memory for optimal processing
speed during the archive Add operations. The "squash" method
alone requires over 64k of buffer space. However, if memory is
limited, ArcMac will analyze files for best packing by
sequentially trying the Crunch, Squash and Squeeze methods,
rather than the faster simultaneous analysis. You can use the
Finder menu selection, Get Info, to change the memory devoted to
ArcMac under MultiFinder.
Memory Limitation
180 K -- sequential analysis, squash is not permitted
220 K -- sequential analysis, squash permitted
250 K -- full simultaneous analysis during Add
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ArcPop Usage
ArcPop is a small and simple de-archiving application. In the
ArcMac.Arc distribution archive, ArcPop is the application which
extracts the archived material. You can separate ArcPop from the
ArcMac.Arc archive by choosing the "Unmake ArcPop" button when
you launch ArcMac.Arc. Version 1.1 adds support for "squashed"
packing of PKArc and ArcMac.
ArcPop's choices are limited to
(1) extract all the files in an archive
(2) make an archive into a ArcPop self-extracting archive
(3) unmake a ArcPop-archive combination.
You can launch ArcPop alone, then select an archive name on the
dialog. Version 1.1 adds a standard file get button, the <<Get
Archive:>> button. Use this to let your mouse do the walking
through folders to select an archive to unpack. All files in the
archive are unpacked to the current folder; the file name
and an indicator bar show the progress of unpacking.
You can also shift-select ArcPop and a regular ArcMac archive, or
an IBM style archive, from Finder and then launch ArcPop. In
this case the selected archive will be your default to operate
on. If ArcPop already contains an archive in its data fork, the
name of the ArcPop file will be the default archive to operate
Creating a ArcPop from a regular ArcMac archive is simple.
Launch ArcPop and select the name of the archive to make self-
extracting. Click the Make ArcPop radio button. Click continue.
ArcPop copies itself to the resource fork of the archive, making
it an application. ArcPop adds about 20 kilobytes to the size of
an archive. This makes it unwise to turn all archives that are
to be placed on bulletin boards into ArcPops. However, when you
want to send archives to others that are unlikely to have an
archive extractor, or want to pack a lot of data onto a disk and
retain extracting ability on the disk, ArcPop is a useful tool.
Two modifiers for ArcPop are the G, unGarble option for encrypted
archives, and the I, strip IBM controls option.
If the archive has been encrypted, you will need to enter the
proper password (either upper or lower case will do), and click
the Password check box.
If the archive is from an MS-DOS or IBM machine, and contains
text files, then you will want to click the eat linefeeds check
box. All control characters other than carriage returns will be
removed from the extracted files. If an IBM archive contains a
mixture of text and other data files, you will need to use ArcMac
to selectively extract files with control stripping.
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There is a minor glitch in Finder running under MultiFinder
(Apple System 5.0 release) that causes updates of a file's finder
information not to be reflected in an open Finder window. When
you make an ArcMac archive into an ArcPop self-extracting
archive, the file's icon and its finder info does not get updated
in Finder's open window, even though it is updated on the disk.
What you need to do is simply to close the Finder window with the
new ArcPop archive, then re-open it. Lo and behold, it's icon
has now changed to the "A" button.
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xArcMac Usage
The ArcMac.Arc distribution file contains xArcMac.exe which is a
program for MS-DOS machines that lists and extracts archives
created with ArcMac. xArcMac will also operate on MS-DOS
archives, and most MS-DOS archivers will operate on ArcMac files.
Command syntax is similar to that for ArcMac. The commands L and
V both produce a verbose list of an archive. The E and X
commands will extract files. The Gpassword modifier is
supported. Version 1.1 of xArcMac adds support for processing
"squashed" files of PKarc and ArcMac.
Two additional features of xArcMac are
(1) The file listings which it produces include the full
macintosh file name (ms-dos archivers recognize 12 characters
only), and the mac file type.
(2) The I option is implemented in reverse. When
extracting WITHOUT the I option, all macintosh TEXT type files
will have linefeed controls (^J) added after each carriage
return. Such line feeds are required by ms-dos text using
programs. If you do not want TEXT files to have the linefeeds
added, then use the I option.
xArcMac x mytext
-- extracts and adds linefeeds to TEXT type files
xArcMac xi mytext
-- extracts without adding linefeeds
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ArcMac File Structure
ArcMac archives use a superset of SEA's ARC standard. The full
pascal source for ArcPop and xArcMac are available in the
MARCS.ARC distribution archive. The archive structure is defined
as a file header followed by the (packed) file contents for each
file in an archive. Version 1.1 adds support for the "squash"
method of PKArc, header version 9. The file header is
ARCMARK = 26; { standard ARC archive head marker }
MARCMARK = 27; { ArcMac archive head marker }
ARCFNLEN =13; { ARC file name length }
MARCFNLEN =31; { full mac file name length }
cstr31 = PACKED ARRAY [0..31] OF char;
{ c-type nul terminated string }
fntype = PACKED ARRAY [-1..12] OF char;
{ pc file name, starts at -1 to pack on word
bounds, name starts at 0 }
osType = PACKED ARRAY [1..4] OF char;
finfo = PACKED RECORD {finder info}
fdType : OStype; fdCreator: OStype;
fdFlags : integer; fdLocation: longint;
fdFldr : integer;
heads = PACKED RECORD {file header structure}
{< MARCMARK mark byte comes here}
{< hdrVer header version byte comes here}
fullname: cstr31; { full mac file name}
fndrInfo: fInfo; { mac finder info}
f0length: longint; {! unarced data fork size }
f1length: longint; {! unarced rez fork size }
fill1 : byte; { fill for word packing...also internal
flag for ibm style head}
pcmark : byte; { ARCMARK for standard pc arc}
{< hdrVer is name[-1] here, standard pc arc}
{ vvvv standard pc arc heads vvvv}
name : fntype; { file name, standarc pc arc}
size : longInt; {! archived size, both forks}
date : integer; {! ms-dos style date}
time : integer; {! ms-dos style time}
crc : integer; {! crc value }
length : longInt; {! unarchived size, both forks}
{ *heads.size* bytes of file data follow, followed by next file's
MARCMARK, hdrVer, then heads data }
{! Note: these values are all stored in archive using Intel 80xxx
byte sex, Motorola 68xxx byte sex is bassackwards from this.
For internal processing on Macintosh, all integers must by byte
swapped, and all longints word swapped. See ArcPop source. }
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Revision Information
Version 1.2b -- 8 Feb 88: file creator files extracted from IBM
archives is now 'ttxt' (TeachText) rather then 'TPAS'
(Turbo Pascal). ArcMac.Doc split into 2 text files
with the TeachText creator.
Version 1.2 -- 7 Feb 88, corrects miscellaneous bugs: control-C
during extract, print or test now works properly.
Window creep between launches of ArcMac is no more.
The Q+H modifiers now work in conjunction to produce
SEA ARC compatible archives (no squashing). REMark
command added for batch files. ArcPop now will not
overwrite existing files of same name, and will
abort if it runs out of disk space during unpack.
Version 1.1 -- 31 Jan 88, adds full archive / dearchive support
to ArcMac, ArcPop and xArcMac for the "squashing"
method of PKArc, plus significant improvements in
the Crunch method, with a yeild of up to 100%
improvement in packing size. ArcMac packing is now
comparable to PKArc and Stuffit.
Minor speed improvements (the fast version is still
waiting). With large memory requirements of
squashing, have added memory usage controls so that
full, sequential analysis can be done in limited
memory environs. MOS user window setup is now saved
between runs. ArcMac start-up batch file processing
added. ArcPop standard file get button and progress
indicator added.
Version 1.0 -- first release, 23 Jan 88
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Martian Operating System for the Macintosh
MOS is an operating system shell for the Macintosh, patterned
after MS-DOS. MOS (short for Martian Operating System) is an
obvious alien to the Mac, since it is a complete keyboard and
text oriented system.
MOS contains all of the features of MS-DOS, including a text
display, keyboard commands, command line program operation,
file, disk and serial device (printer, comm ports) operations,
hard disk path search and file wild card naming, versions of
ARC, DEBUG, PRINT, and other such utilities, i/o redirection,
batch file operation, as well as easy Mac-PC file transfer via
serial ports.
Programmers, take note: MOS also serves as an easy I/O
platform for running independent programs that don't require a
graphic interface and utilities that work well from command
line parameters.
MOS is not for all Mac users, but those who have familiarity
with MS-DOS, those who like keyboard based commands, batch
operations, redirectable text input/output, and similar
Available in Spring 1988 from dogStar Software.
Trademarks & Copyrights mentioned
Macintosh computer, Finder, MultiFinder and related software are
trademarked, copyrighted and otherwise legally pinned down by
Apple Computer, Inc.
ARC is the copyrighted software of System Enhancement Associates.
PKARC, PKXARC are the copyrighted software of PKWare (Phil Katz).
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
IBM is a register trademark of International Business Machine
Turbo Pascal is the registered trademark of Borland
Packit is the copyrighted software of Harry Chesley.
Stuffit is the copyrighted software of Raymond Lau.
Martian Operating System, ArcMac, ArcPop, and xArcMac are the
copyrighted software of D.G. Gilbert (dogStar Software).
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ArcMac Fee Schedule
Type Price
------- ------
1. Single ArcMac user fee $25
-- includes a $25 discount toward the purchase of Martian
Operating System.
2. Registered ArcMac user fee $40
-- includes the next major revision of ArcMac with printed manual,
and a $40 discount applicable to purchase of Martian
Operating System.
3. Corporate & Institution site licences
-- includes the next major revision of ArcMac with printed
2 to 5 computers $25 / computer
6 to 20 computers $20 / computer
21 to 50 computers $17.50 / computer
51 to 99 computers $15 / computer
100+ computers $1500
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ArcMac Invoice / Order Form
Title Price Copies
------- ------ ------
ArcMac _____ ____
Total Fee _______
Name ____________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________
City ____________________ State ____ Zip _______
Country ____________________ Phone _______________
__ Check or money order
Credit Card Acct. No. __ Visa __ MasterCard
MasterCard Bank # (found over name) :__:__:__:__:
Exp. date ____ Signature _____________________________
Purchase orders from established government and educa-
tional institutions are accepted.
__ Purchase Order #______________
PO institution ____________________________
Prices include shipping via First Class US Post within
the North American continent and USPS delivery areas.
Add $1.50 for United Parcel Service shipping. Overseas
airmail: Europe and South America, add $2.50. Asia,
Africa and Australia, add $3.50.
dogStar Software
P.O. Box 302, Bloomington, Indiana 47402, U.S.A.
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